I woke up and pulled the TOP KEK blanket off my hot bod (Okay, not-hot bod). I got up and took a TOP KEK shower. I ran out of TOP KEK shampoo. I cursed the TOP KEK god for giving me this horribly crappy life. then I had some breakfast. I had TOP KEK toast with TOP KEK orange juice. I hate that breakfast. So I went to work. On my way driving to my TOP KEK job in my TOP KEK car, I stopped at McTOPKEK for pink paste manufactured into hamburger meat. This TOP KEK breakfast is better then a healthy one.
When I got to work, I TOP KEK ran into my boss, who TOP KEK fired me for spilling coffee on all the computers. I left and bought a TOP KEK gun. I went back into my TOP KEK job and shot my TOP KEK boss with a bullet. I TOP KEK missed. He TOP KEK tackled me to the ground and started beating me up. The cops showed up and I went to jail. In TOP KEK jail. I learned the meaning of pain. I TOP KEK washed toilets and TOP KEK slept on the bottom bunk. I decided one day I wasn't gonna take it.
I TOP KEK fashioned a knife out of a spoon, and TOP KEK stabbed the hell out of those TOP KEK gaurds. I got outside and TOP KEK dug a hole out. I TOP KEK stole a car and drove back to my TOP KEK city. I broke into my TOP KEK former boss's house. I went into his bedroom and I TOP KEK stabbed him. He screamed out like a TOP KEK. His wife, who was not in bed, unexpectedly hit me with the TOP KEK butt of the gun in the back of my TOP KEK head. I fell down and looked up at her. She TOP KEK pointed the gun at me, cocked it, TOP KEK pointed it at me then